Office Furniture Reupholstery in Chicago


Refurbishing your current furniture costs a fraction of purchasing new furniture - and can shave days off of your project's overall timeline. Our office furniture reupholstery in Chicago brings a fresh new look to your office without the price and hassle of new furniture purchases. Reduce your carbon footprint with Rework.

Make Your Office Look Brand New with Existing Office Furnishings

Instead of buying new, revamp your current furniture to update its style and structural integrity with our office furniture upholstery services. Our Chicago area office furniture upholstering services cost less and may, in fact, save you time as compared to shopping and purchasing new office pieces.

At Rework, we work mainly with startups to medium size companies to create a cohesive work environment that sparks employee drive and customer’s approval. Our mission of seeing our clients’ spaces re-envisioned extends to how we proceed with refurbishing. We take great care in helping you select the right fabric and ensure the upholstery process is performed accurately and in a timely manner.

In addition to fabric office furniture reupholstery, we inspect each item’s integral parts. This may include inspecting the padding, structural frame, springs, fasteners, and wheels or casters for overall function and durability. This in-depth refurbishing process ensures you receive your furniture back in the best condition. Once our task is complete, it will be like receiving brand new, high-quality pieces that without a doubt are meant to be in your office.

Questions to consider before making reupholstery decisions:

  • What furniture pieces are you looking to redesign with our office furniture reupholstery services?
  • What purpose does the furniture serve?
  • Will the items be in direct sunlight?
  • What is the feel or mood you are looking to convey?
  • What existing patterns or designs reside in your office?
  • How will the furniture be cleaned and cared for?

How you answer the questions above will help determine the type of fabric that will best suit the space. What you may want in a private office may look entirely different than the desired look for an employee break room. Choosing the right fabric for the application will create the perfect atmosphere and extend the longevity of your furniture.

Contact Rework to learn more about our Chicago area office furniture reupholstery services.