5 Ways To Know When It's Time To Remake Your Office

Ideally your company has just finished a year of record growth, and you’re busting out at the seams. So, remaking your office is the happy circumstance of expansion or relocation.

But there are other, very smart, reasons a smart business decides to undertake an office make-over project. Here are 5 of them:

1. When you want to improve productivity.

Does your business use different teams of people who need to collaborate with each other? Are your people all hiding in their offices making calls and answering emails all day? An interior architect or designer will help you assess your goals and processes and make suggestions on how to improve the space to accommodate the tasks. They will take into account the flow of the work, the flow of the traffic. You might need a space planner as well as a designer.

2. When your space is looking tired and rundown.

Your office reflects who you are as a company. When a client steps into your office, what do they see? Hopefully, an environment that has a positive energy and gives them confidence in your team and the niche your business occupies. Having outdated furniture, worn carpet, and dull paint can come across as out-of-step, behind-the-times, and leaves the impression that your company is out-of-step and behind-the-times, too.

3. When you’re rebranding your business.

No matter what kind of marketing your business is currently doing, nothing reflects your mission as clearly as your office’s location and design. It’s a real part of your overall marketing effort. Locating in a Class A high-rise says one thing about your company and its products. Taking over a brick-and-timber loft factory building says something completely different. And ReWork planners and designers are part of your marketing team.

4. When you need to keep and attract talent.

Successful businesses understand the benefits of providing innovative and diverse spaces that are adaptable, livable, and inviting to employees. It’s a great way to keep your current people happy, and it makes it easier to recruit new hires. Cool interior design says your company is current, fun, and uses the latest technology and is committed to fostering positive energy. It doesn’t hurt to keep bowls of Peanut M&m’s well-stocked either!

5. When you need to improve morale.

Only a cynic would think adopting an open office is about cramming the maximum number of employees into the minimum amount of real estate. And, furniture that is good enough is good enough. In fact, there’s a ton of research that shows a well designed, comfortable, bright, lively workplace makes more money for everybody! Open workspaces produces better interaction and more collaboration. And, new furnishings shows your people you value them and their work. After all, they’re spending as much awake time at your place as they do at their place.

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