Budget-Friendly Design Ideas to Transform Your Office

No one would doubt that in our personal lives, the physical environment we occupy affects our mood and well-being. Think about how a dirty bathroom can affect your mood. We constantly change locations attempting to improve an awful day and mood. Well, the same goes for our professional lives and the offices we inhabit daily. Thinking about that for a minute probably makes you aware of the drab beige walls and boring furniture surrounding you now. Use these budget-friendly design ideas to transform your office from a mood killer to a warm, fun, motivating supercharger!

Allow Personal Accents

The best office spaces are more than organized and functional; they also capture the spirit of the company and represent the brand. Once the desks and chairs are in, bring in some fun tchotchkes to decorate and encourage workers to do the same with their space. Paint a feature wall with the company logo, have a contest where employees make the best decoration for the office, then display them all.

Make It Smell in There

The sense of smell doesn’t get enough credit for mood and productivity. Japanese research firms are currently finding a correlation between the two. They are researching how certain smells affect productivity and focus and have found that lemon and jasmine boost both. Find a way to make the office smell good all the time.

Reuse and Recycle

Office furniture is among the most substantial expenses in an office, especially a large one. Finding cheap yet attractive and functional furniture is important for morale and the look of the office. Source used and refurbished furniture and save a bundle. Sadly, companies fold every day, so take advantage of it and buy up their old stuff.

Shred the Corporate Art

Finding budget-friendly design ideas to transform your office means getting creative. Bland corporate art is as far from creative as one can get. Get rid of it yesterday. Ask around the office, and you’ll find artists in the room, so let them paint canvases or even murals for the office. Hit the flea markets for things to put up on the walls. It will make the office look more inviting and creative.

Chalk It Up

Toss out the white boards and the markers and buy some chalk. Paint a large section of the office with chalkboard paint and let employees create their own art. It’s a fun way to encourage creativity and expression. Designate it the company message board and hold meetings next to it.

Rework LLC has top-quality refurbished office furniture for the Chicagoland area. Take a look at our website and contact us today.