Considerations for an Effective Training Room Space

Training new hires is the most important function of any company. When new people come on board, showing them the processes, procedures, and company culture are essential priorities. Poor training leads to poor performance and frustration, and a revolving door culture is born before anyone knows what happened. The best way to combat this is with a proper training room that fosters communication, education, and collaboration among the team. There are key considerations for an effective training room space that will help your new team members learn and perform their best.

Training Room Space

Choose the Right Space

Choose the Right Space

Where you choose to set up a training facility is important. The number of people you anticipate training, on a group-by-group basis, should dictate your room’s size. You’ll need one that everyone can fit in comfortably, with enough space to move around freely and get around the tables and chairs.

Make sure the room has adequate lighting and electrical service to power the hardware and training tools you’ll use. Check the acoustics of the room to ensure that the trainer doesn’t have to shout to be heard; likewise for the trainees. Paint and decorate the room so that it’s warm and inviting. Make it comfortable to help people engage in the training and not feel like they’re in the dentist’s office getting a tooth pulled.

Lighting is Key

Lighting is Key

The lighting in the room is a delicate thing. Having too little light will have an adverse effect on learning as people won’t be able to see the material. Having fluorescent floodlights overhead isn’t good either. Try to get a balance somewhere in between. Install a dimmer switch in the room to control the lighting and bring in desk lamps in lieu of the overhead lights. The ideal is having a room with big windows so that natural light is the predominant source.

Audio/Visual Components

Employee training has moved beyond binders full of papers and filling out paperwork from HR. Multimedia presentations and desktop workstations are the norm now. Set up your training room with a large monitor, streaming source, and strong Wi-Fi connectivity at the minimum.

Configuration Matters

Configuration Matters

The room’s configuration is very important. Let the kind of training you will be giving guide your decision on the room’s layout. Theater seating in a large auditorium works for large lectures at a university, but they don’t work in business training. Think about a round table or a U-shaped set up to get people face-to-face and communicating with each other. Maybe rows of tables and chairs are the best option for you; whatever you decide on, make sure it’s comfortable. You want the group focusing on the material, not how sore their back is.

Creating a successful training room starts with reliable and affordable furniture that meets the needs of you and your employees. Rework LLC has training chairs for sale for every room. Contact us today!