How to Create a Remote Work Policy

More and more companies are finding the value in remote working. The recent COVID-19 outbreak forced many companies to shut down operations or send their employees home to work. That was an easy choice. Employees are also looking for remote working opportunities, opting to work from home rather than go into the office. No matter the reasons for it, having a remote working policy is good to have in place. It keeps the business fluid, mobile, and ready for anything. Short-term or long-term working from home is a viable option that is gaining the trust of management and fans among the workforce. Here are some tips on how to create a remote work policy so your company is ready.

Decide Which Jobs Are Good for Remote Work

If you have a manufacturing plant or body shop, remote work isn’t possible for most of the employees. Someone needs to be there to run the machines and pull the dents. There are positions that can work remotely though, even in those fields. The accountants, designers, or other office staff can do their jobs remotely. Most traditional office work can be done remotely with an internet connection and laptop.

Which Employees Are Able?

When setting up your policy phase regarding who can work from home and who can’t, start by identifying individuals who can be trusted to work from home. Let senior people who have been in their roles for a while and know their job work from home first. Little risk and oversight are needed for experienced team members. Set service requirements for remote working; for example, only employees who have been on the job for a certain amount of time can qualify.

Set Clear Expectations

Set the expectations of the job in print and upfront. Set performance goals so there is no confusion about what needs to be done daily. Make it known how soon phone calls need to be returned and emails answered. Don’t impose strict rules that inhibit their workflow, but rather demonstrate a level of trust in the remote employee so they don’t feel like a child being monitored.

Have a Code of Conduct

Having a code of conduct in place is a good idea if there is one in place for “in-office” employees that will be suitable. Expect the remote team to behave as if they are in the office every day. Treat coworkers with respect and dignity and be professional in all communications and meetings.

Have a variety of workstations available when the remote team comes to the office. Rework LLC has a wide variety of used office workstations for sale. Contact us today!