How To Maintain a Clean and Welcoming Reception Area

An office’s reception area is at the epicenter of most offices. From interactions with clients to interviews with prospective employees, this is where it all begins. Even if your reception space was designed with these details in mind, it still takes work to keep it functional for the long haul. We’ve rounded up some quick tips to help you maintain a clean and welcoming reception area reflective of your corporate culture.

Appoint a Lead Organizer

Designate your receptionist as the person responsible for keeping the area tidy. Create a checklist of daily, weekly, and even monthly tasks. Quick, daily actions such as cleaning surfaces with disinfectant wipes, tossing away promotional junk mail, and creating a discreet area for storing packages ensures a reception area is always in tiptop condition. Examples of weekly tasks include enforcing package pickups, watering plants, and refilling tissue boxes and hand sanitizer. Monthly, your receptionist can do things such as reorder coffee pods and office supplies, and refill the air fresheners.

Provide Ample Space To Move

If your reception area is of smaller size, make sure you minimize décor. One statement piece of artwork will make a space appear larger rather than many smaller framed pictures. Streamline what’s placed on surfaces by opting for a minimalistic approach to design. Select smaller-framed furniture and consider armless seating to save valuable inches. Staggering customer appointments to enforce reasonable capacities is also a smart way to ensure the space feels larger.

Incorporate Corporate Branding

Branding the overall aesthetic of your reception space with a corporate culture eliminates the need for nonessential decor. For example, if you place emphasis on the environment, consider placing your logo on a wall covered in greenery. Another simple way to connect design and brand is to place a large logo decal on the wall behind the reception desk. Paint the wall a shade within the corporate color palette to provide an even stronger tie to your corporate identity. Giving visitors a focal point they can connect to will distract from any space limitations. This clever branding technique is yet another way to streamline the way a reception area is decorated.

Replace Uncomfortable Seating

Reception spaces are high-traffic areas. Make sure older furniture is replaced regularly, or consider refurbishing furniture with good bones. Comfort is the key to any effective reception area. An initial positive experience will send the message to visitors that you care about their well-being by providing quality furniture.

At Rework, we work hard to ensure that no reception space is without the tools it needs to keep clients and visitors comfortable. Our selection of reception area seating is carefully refurbished to provide the proper amount of support as well as a style that complements your office design. Reach out to us today to get started on your next project!