How to Maximize a Small Office Space Layout

Your business is growing and expanding—congratulations! You’re running a profitable, in-demand business. One of the few drawbacks of being a titan of the business world is that your office may no longer be big enough. Your new growth may be making things in the office a bit tight, and some days it may feel as though the office is actually shrinking. That’s okay—it’s a good problem to have! Thankfully, there are plenty of tips and tricks on how to maximize a small office space layout to get the most out of the space. Getting creative with some design options and eliminating some unnecessary things will free up more space, making everyone happy.

Get Rid of Paper

Think about all the space that paper and its associated machines use: fax machines, file cabinets, copiers, printers, and clunky boxes of paper take up a lot of real estate in the office. To save your company space and money while remaining sustainable, consider going completely paperless. Find ways to reduce your paper use—if not eliminate it altogether—and watch the space open up.

Reassign the Space

Do you have a reception area and no visitors? Do you have a conference room no one ever uses? Reclaim and reassign those spaces to make them useful. Put that unused conference table up for sale, and put some collaborative workstations in there instead. Create usable work areas in the reception area with high-back chairs or lounge groupings. There’s no point in leaving space for nonexistent activities when you need the space for people to be productive.

Space-Saving Furniture

Having a gigantic, ornate desk in a one-person office is in the past, and even law firms are stepping away from the executive desk. Ergonomic, comfortable, space-saving furniture is the future. Showing off status through expensive furniture is unnecessary. Forward-thinking companies have modern workstations, adjustable desks, and ergonomically correct chairs that support the back. It’s not about cramming people in a tight space; it’s about being comfortable at work.

Stay Flexible

Don’t fall in love with one style of office layout. Keep things flexible so that you can switch things up when and if you need to. Furnish the office with a lot of different kinds of furniture, such as long tables, partitions, desks, and couches. Make it so that employees can work where they feel most comfortable on a day-to-day basis.

If you need to switch up your furniture to maximize your small office space layout, turn to Rework for new, used, and refurbished office furniture. We offer full workstations, seating, and used conference tables for sale, among many other types of furniture that are sure to fit your needs for your space.