Office Chair Safety Tips: What You Need To Know

Office chairs are an integral part of the workplace environment. Responsible for supporting us as we work and keeping us comfortable, these items play more of a role in our daily life than we often think. That’s why using these seats correctly is so important to maintaining your safety and physical health while in the office. Here are a few important office chair safety tips to know and how they can contribute to a better day on the job.

Adjust To Your Specifications

When you first sit in your office chair for the day, it’s important that you take the time to adjust the seat to your desired specifications. We all have different comfort levels, and if someone else sat in that chair before you, its current alignment might not provide the proper support. So, make sure you change it to a height, tilt tension, and lumbar support level that best suits your body. This is essential to staying comfortable and preventing distractions throughout the day.

Lock Rolling Casters and Wheels

Once you adjust the seat itself to meet your needs, you’ll also want to lock your chair’s casters or wheels if it has them. Rolling chairs are a great asset for many offices, as they allow you to easily change locations as needed. However, depending on the sensitivity of these components, shifting your body weight in the wrong way can send them rolling away without you. By locking your wheels before you sit down, you’re creating a sturdy seat that you know isn’t going anywhere.

Take Breaks

Another important part of using your office chair correctly involves taking an occasional break from sitting. We spend a lot of our days in these chairs, and staying in the same position for long periods isn’t the best for maintaining your physical health. For this reason, it’s recommended that you stand up and walk around a few times throughout your day. Activity increases your blood flow, which provides you with more energy to finish out your work.

Use the Right Chairs

The most vital office chair safety tip to know is to use the right kind of chairs. There are thousands of different seating models on the market, but not all of them provide the correct features for a comfortable day at the office. Make sure you prioritize models with ergonomic support and adjustability to ensure optimal posture and physical well-being.

For the best office chairs in Chicago at a fraction of their typical cost, reach out to Rework. Each piece in our selection is carefully reconstructed with fresh padding, mechanical components, and exterior fabric. This gives them a new look and an array of ergonomic benefits for anyone sitting in them. Our planning and design team can even help you choose the perfect chairs to complement the rest of your office design. So, give us a call today to improve your workplace experience.