“The Blended Solution” It’s all about the tie.

When I hear the word “blended”, I think of whiskey, families, and anything I can cram into a blender that would make a bad day good and a good day better. Mix a little of this, a little of that, and a bit of something else, and the sum is often greater than the parts. Unlike most people though, it also makes me think of office furniture. Especially in today’s sluggish economy, you’ll want to consider a “blended solution” when it comes to office furnishings. It’s the best way to get the biggest bang for the buck when buying workstations, lateral files, desks, seating, and all the other furniture needed to run a productive modern office.

Let’s define the terms. Everyone knows what new means, and if your budget allows for it, buying new is a great way to

go. Virtually everything you purchase will have a warranty, and you’ll be able to match it down the road even years later. All the keys, file bars, grommet covers, and those little things that can easily go missing will be right where they should be. Your choice of furniture will only be limited by your imagination, but the key word to remember is quality. Get to know the manufacturer, and make sure the furniture you buy is worth the money you spend. Don’t be afraid to kick the tires.

Secondly, there’s used. And “used” can mean a few different things when it comes to office furniture. It can mean furniture at a bargain price that’s generally in good “as is” condition with a lot of years of use still in it. Or...it can mean office furniture that’s been around the corporate block one too many times and should have been pitched when your grandpa was in diapers the first time around. The secret to furnishing an office with used furniture is to make sure you’re not buying a truckload of problems along with the files and chairs.

Then there’s the refurbished option. Like new and used office furniture, it can stand on its own as a solution as long as it meets your buying criteria. Refurbished office equipment is used furniture that’s been remanufactured or reupholstered with new paint, fabric, trim, and laminate. It uses the best of the old in a way that keeps it out of landfill and gives it new life well beyond what the original manufacturer ever envisioned. It’s green and cost efficient. But…there’s an even better way to buy office furniture.

Almost all businesses, from startups to large corporations, can benefit from buying a combination, or blended solution, of new, used, and refurbished office furniture. Brand new files are great, but used ones will be more than adequate in the warehouse office. And they cost a lot less. Used seating might be fine for the break room, but new task chairs will pay for themselves in the long run through productivity gains and happier employees. Money spent on good reconditioned office furniture promotes a positive work environment while freeing up funds that can be used for other needs in the office. It’s all a simple matter of the best use of the dollars in the office furniture budget. Think of the dead guy in the open casket at a wake. A shiny pair of new shoes is a waste of money, but a nice tie makes all the difference.

Call Terry Cray, Office Furniture Guy, with questions or comments you may have.

M 773.908.0462

E terryc@rework-furniture.com