The Top Modern Office Design Concepts in 2021

Oct 4, 2021

Much like residential interiors, trends in office design often change. Office buildouts can even be impacted by these fluctuations. But even though fads in aesthetics come and go, there are some tried and true styles that should never be overlooked. Implementing even just a couple of these top modern office building design concepts is fundamental in designing a smart workspace that cultivates an impactful corporate culture. So, don’t let this opportunity to learn more about them pass you by.

Activity-Based Design

Employees all have a unique preference on how they focus throughout the workday. While some are more productive at a traditional desk all day, others might need a change in scenery to recenter themselves. An active office design accommodates a variety of workstyles by creating several different setups within one workspace. Whether your employee requires a quiet room to get their creative juices flowing or a café-like setting with background noise, the choice is theirs to make when you design an office that provides a variety of work settings. This setup also includes styling your conference rooms to cater to specific types of projects. While some of these areas may promote optimal collaboration, others may suit video presentations and conference calls.

Industrial Aesthetic

The industrial aesthetic is popular for a reason. Not only is it interesting to look at, but it’s also extremely cost-effective to implement. This style often uses exposed beams and vents from a building’s original construction resulting in an unrefined atmosphere. This unconventional design works well for creatives who seek a space that lets innovation take center stage. A stark contrast from the traditional design many offices exhibit, industrial design is a fresh change of pace.

Biophilic Emphasis

Biophilic offices combine the beauty and tranquility of nature with modernized office workspaces to promote maximum productivity. Natural elements have the ability to improve the overall mood of your team, which has a series of additional benefits, including a boost in physical health and productivity. Biophilic design is easier to implement than many think. Simple ideas to get started include:

• Placing large plants near employee desks
• Installing a fountain in your lobby
• Bringing in more natural light with larger windows and light-filtering window treatments
• Using natural materials like wood or stone during construction

Ergonomic Capabilities

Another top modern office design concept is to provide employees with ergonomically sound office furniture. When implemented properly, ergonomics promotes a positive workplace environment by allowing individuals to adjust their workstations to ensure they provide the right amount of support. Ergonomic seating and sit-to-stand desks allow for perfect alignment of the neck and spine to keep your team moving throughout the workday. With ergonomic furniture, employees will feel better on those long workdays and ultimately become more productive. Working with an expert who specializes in ergonomic office seating and workstation accessories is an easy way to upgrade your office. With a variety of expertly refurbished pieces available, your team is sure to find just what they’re looking for—often at a fraction of purchasing something brand new.

Residential Style Office Furniture

In addition to ergonomically designed workstations, it’s becoming more common to see residential furniture in offices. This comfort-based approach to designing a workspace includes items like plush sofas in break areas and soft chairs in private productive spaces. These pieces make the office feel more inviting, almost mimicking the comfort individuals feel at home. The added element of luxury puts the mind at ease and reduces a person’s feelings of stress and anxiety surrounding work. Therefore, your team is adequately set up for ongoing mental focus and success.


Sustainability is a vital component in modern office design as it’s beneficial to the environment, cost-effective, and creates a company culture and brand that people can truly connect with. Purchasing refurbished office furniture rather than brand-new is a great way to embrace sustainability. This design approach diverts countless pounds of waste from landfills while allowing you to create a truly custom aesthetic. Since these items were owned in the past, you can even purchase them at a fraction of their original manufacturing cost, as the inventory is in-stock and ready to install. As specialists in decommissioning and refurbishing pre-owned office furniture, Rework is a great resource to help you find the furniture for your unique office space.

Workstation Flexibility

Like an activity-based style, workstation flexibility allows your team to choose how they work and take control of the office environment around them. Giving employees fully customizable workstations enables them to move around with ease. Rather than needing to reserve a conference room for a small group meeting, employees can simply pull up a desk chair on wheels to their co-worker’s workspace. Rather than sitting around a large conference table, employees might choose to huddle around a taller sit-to-stand desk to burn some calories and stay focused during a mid-afternoon brainstorm session. Giving your team options and the freedom to work as they please ensures you are supporting your team to work to their maximum potential.

Visual Transparency

Integrating opportunities for visual transparency can foster a community-like environment between team members and leaders. Large glass doors and windows let in natural light and make small offices appear more open, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Removing physical barriers between individuals, such as dividers and walls, will increase the opportunity for team members to communicate. When implemented appropriately, these tweaks go a long way in establishing trust amongst co-workers and ultimately improve workplace camaraderie.

Rework is dedicated to keeping up with the latest trends in office design. Our professional planning and design team is accustomed to implementing a variety of design concepts within all kinds of offices. Our team goes above and beyond to ensure that each office we design is a healthy, accommodating, and productive space for all who walk through its doors. Whether you’re in need of an entirely new layout or just need a quick tweak, such as an upgraded supply of used office guest chairs for sale, we have you covered.

The Top Modern Office Design Concepts in 2021