Ways To Keep Productivity High During Office Renovations

There are several key benefits to renovating your office space. From crafting a unique aesthetic to improving its overall function and comfort, there are few things that a thorough overhaul can’t fix. However, while these projects are always worth it in the long run, you may find it difficult to keep your team engaged with construction underway around them. If you want to make the very most of this time in your business’s evolution and help your team members do the same, be ready to make accommodations. These are some effective ways to keep productivity high during office renovations.

Put Barriers Around Construction Zones

Minimizing distraction is a fundamental component of maintaining an efficient workplace environment. This makes construction zones some of the worst hinderances your team could experience. Because of this, it’s important that you do what you can to reduce their obtrusiveness. Placing visual barriers around the work in the form of plastic prevents individuals from being distracted by the activity behind them. They also help keep everyone safe by ensuring all dangerous equipment stays behind the designated line when in use. The less your team can see, the easier it’ll be for them to ignore it and focus on their work.

Provide Proper Noise Cancellation

Loud noises are also a common distraction when it comes to working near renovation sites. Depending on the type of equipment in operation, your team may hear a variety of loud noises. One of the best things you can do is provide each team member with the necessary ear protection. Noise-canceling headphones paired with muffling dividers can tone down these unpleasant sounds and facilitate a better environment for thinking and problem solving.

For extremely obtrusive noise, another option is to temporarily relocate employee desks. Rework has a variety of lightweight, compact refurbished workstations for sale. Mobile desks allow you to set up shop away from the noise while providing a dedicated spot for working.

Contain the Dust

No matter the project, you can be sure there will be dust involved. Construction dust particles can irritate airways, making us cough and sneeze. Make sure you talk to your construction team about how to best contain the dust. Thick plastic sheeting around the construction zones will cut back on the amount of debris in the air. Asking your construction crew to use a shop vac at the end of every day is another way to cut back on air pollution. When the project is complete, consider hiring an additional cleaning company to ensure a thorough cleanup after the fact.

Minimize Office Clutter

Another noteworthy way to keep productivity high during office renovations is to cut as much clutter out of your office space as possible. With much of your office already taken up by renovation materials and equipment, purging your workplace of any excess items and organizing what’s left helps you maintain a clear walking path during this stressful period. This can go a long way in sustaining practicality and keeping traffic running smoothly—even through the tightest of areas. As a result, team members will reach their destination quicker, and they’ll have more time to devote to their work for the day.

Utilize Additional Lighting Fixtures

Renovations can often impact how much lighting you have in your office space by blocking overhead fixtures. Reduced lighting can prevent individuals from fully seeing the work in front of them, making it difficult to focus on it entirely. Consider bringing in additional lighting sources during construction. Standing lamps are useful for filling a wide area with a considerable amount of light. Simple desk lamps are also an easy way to make sure everyone is able to see their work. It’s also recommended that you keep your windows coverings open to let in some natural lighting. Natural light causes the brain to create and release serotonin into the rest of the body. This chemical then helps improve a person’s mood and puts them in the right frame of mind for optimal productivity.

If you have any questions about incorporating natural light into your office space, Rework’s team of planning and design specialists are available to answer them. We know the ins and outs of biophilic office design and will work with you to ensure that everything from the lighting to the minor decorative details facilitates productive, positive vibes.

Strategically Schedule Your Contractors

You can even request to schedule your office contractors for outside of business hours if you’re worried about interrupting your team. Some remodeling professionals provide early morning or evening services to make the construction process more accommodating for your company. Be prepared for this route to take more time but it will certainly result in fewer workplace disruptions. Ask your renovation crew if they offer this flexibility and utilize it to your advantage. Simply shifting around this schedule ensures that the work is still completed, and your business practices remain undisrupted throughout the day.

Ensure Overall Team Comfort

Most importantly, you should do what you can to ensure your team stays comfortable throughout this transitionary period. Renovations force you to temporarily change how your office operates, making some of your team members uncomfortable in the process. The more you can do to facilitate physical and mental wellbeing, the easier it will be for them to maintain their focus when they need it most.

Whether it be your seating or your individual desk spaces, your office furniture is a primary influence on a person’s overall comfort. Ergonomic alignment and the proper back support keep energy flowing and promote a stronger ability to focus, allowing you to get things done. These traits also leave your team feeling better at the end of each day, encouraging them to remain just as active in the rest of their lifestyle. Supplying your team with the most comfortable stations available will be key to helping them navigate any rough patches in their workplace environment.

If you’re looking to make your office renovation as seamless as possible, Rework is the perfect contact for you. We offer a wide range of services such as professional office designing, furniture rental, and facility decommissioning. We even sell a multitude of refurbished furniture products with the intent of reducing corporate waste and promoting sustainability in businesses just like yours. Don’t miss this chance to take your remodel to the next level and give us a call today.